WITH US was established to educate and empower students to be Upstanders in their communities. Founded by the parents of Carson Starkey, who lost their son in 2008 from a preventable hazing incident while among friends, WITH US seeks to empower young people with the skills and confidence to intervene when it matters most.
Every year, students like Carson are harmed and lost to alcohol and drug misuse, hazing, sexual violence, hate and bias, and mental health crises. In many cases, student bystanders are present but lack the skills and confidence to offer help. Our mission is to help prepare students for these lifesaving moments.
But we need your help!
Starting December 1st (on #GivingTuesday), WITH US is launching our annual Month of Giving fundraiser. This fundraiser coincides with our annual Upstander Campaign, which honors the anniversary of Carson’s passing. Our Upstander Campaign works to educate students on active bystander intervention skills and how they can apply those skills to intervene when they witness potentially harmful situations.
Throughout the month of December, help us amplify our Upstander Movement and support our mission to create safer campus communities with a tax-deductible donation! Your gift will directly fund lifesaving bystander intervention research, education programs, and awareness campaigns.
Why Give?
As a non-profit organization at Cal Poly, donor support is essential to continue our work, and much of our funding has been impacted by Covid-19. The events of the past year have shown us the importance of bystander intervention and supporting our communities from harm. We know these are hard times for many and we appreciate you considering WITH US in your end of year giving plans.
We are committed to outreach, resource-sharing, research, and education. Help us carry out our mission with a gift today so we can continue our offering our programs and resources at free and reduced costs for students and educators.
Here’s what your dollar can support across these giving levels:
Upstander Ambassador - $50
A donation of $50 will help sponsor the production of the annual Upstander Week to raise awareness about proactive bystander intervention. Make a gift in honor of a friend you believe embodies the Upstander Movement.
Upstander Advocate - $100
A donation of $100 will sponsor a consultation with our education partners. Make a gift in honor of an organization you believe embodies the Upstander Movement. Gifts over $100 will receive special gift from WITH US as a thank you.
Learn By Doing Sponsor - $250
Sponsor a Learn by Doing student internship with a $250 gift. WITH US employs many talents undergraduate and graduate student interns to provide professional research and program development experience, and to ensure our work is student-centered.
EmpACT Donor - $1000
Support our national bystander intervention research agenda with a gift of $1000. These funds support our faculty affiliate program, survey incentives, and operating costs to manage the National College Student Bystander Intervention Study.
Not able to give this year? Here are other ways you can help:
Join us during Upstander Week and throughout the month of December to help us expand the reach and impact of our message.
Here’s how:
Thank you for your support. To learn more about our work at withus.org.
WITH US is supported by Cal Poly and is exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (Taxpayer Identification Number 54-6001796). Gifts to WITH US at Cal Poly are considered tax-deductible.