Thank You!
This campaign has concluded and is in update mode, but you can still make a gift to the Cal Poly Food Pantry & Hunger Program by going here.
With travel increasingly limited and classes moving exclusively to remote instruction, the recent outbreak of the COVID-19 has severely impacted all Cal Poly students. Many students – whether they remain on campus, in San Luis Obispo or at their permanent homes – are suddenly without a job and disconnected from social support systems amidst concerns over their own health and the wellbeing of those around them. Now, more than ever, Cal Poly is committed to addressing the need to work to ensure the health, comfort & security of all students.
We are asking your help to raise money for the Cal Poly Hunger Program and Food Pantry in order to combat the threat of food insecurity among students who may be experiencing financial loss. The Food Pantry works to ensure that all students have access to nutritious meals every day and is 100% donor funded. With some students losing their means of income, stock is running low. A small gift would go a long way towards providing students in need with a wide variety of packaged and canned foods, frozen meals, fresh produce and groceries, and personal hygiene products.
The Food Pantry has established itself as a vital, on-campus resource for students. Last year alone it was able to feed nearly 1,500 individual students by providing enough groceries to cover over 39,000 meals. We appreciate your help in keeping this pillar of support alive. Thank you in advance for making a difference in the lives of students during this difficult time and showcasing the positive impact of the Cal Poly Community.
A generous donation of $50 provides a week's worth of groceries for two students.
A gift of $100 provides an entire week's worth of both food and basic necessities -- such as hygiene products -- for two students.
Your generous gift of $250 allows the Food Pantry to supply a weeks worth of groceries for up to ten Cal Poly students.
A $500 donation provides both an entire week's worth of groceries and an entire week's worth of basic necessities for up to ten students.
A generous gift of $1,250 covers the cost of groceries for an entire week for 50 students. Thank you!