Thank You!
This campaign has concluded and is in update mode, but you can still make a gift to the National Society of Black Engineers by going here.
Your generous gift supports the advancement and excellence of Black students and Black student groups at Cal Poly. Thank you for helping promote cultural awareness and academic excellence on campus!
Your generous gift supports the advancement and excellence of Black students and Black student groups at Cal Poly. Thank you for helping promote cultural awareness and academic excellence on campus!
Your generous gift supports the advancement and excellence of Black students and Black student groups at Cal Poly. Thank you for helping promote cultural awareness and academic excellence on campus!
Your generous gift supports the advancement and excellence of Black students and Black student groups at Cal Poly. Thank you for helping promote cultural awareness and academic excellence on campus!
Your generous gift supports the advancement and excellence of Black students and Black student groups at Cal Poly. Thank you for helping promote cultural awareness and academic excellence on campus!
Your generous gift supports the advancement and excellence of Black students and Black student groups at Cal Poly. Thank you for helping promote cultural awareness and academic excellence on campus!