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Cal Poly Cares Supports Students in Need (September 2020)

Raised toward our $10,000 Goal
25 Donors
Project has ended
Project ended on October 31, at 11:00 PM PDT
Project Owners

Cal Poly Cares Supports Students in Need

Cal Poly Cares provides emergency funds for Cal Poly students who have experienced economic disruption. The cost of being a student is more than just sacrificing sleep to study for an exam. For some, it means living on the edge of financial uncertainty; a day-in, day-out unsteady existence in which a single unexpected expense – like a car repair or an emergency room visit – can mean the difference between staying enrolled at Cal Poly, or leaving altogether and abandoning a promising future.

The university supports students who face unexpected financial emergencies to stay on the course to graduation through Cal Poly Cares. In fact, more than 80% of all students served through the program are either juniors, seniors or graduate students.

The far-reaching effects of the COVID-19 outbreak have affected many Cal Poly students in almost every aspect of their lives. Since the state’s shelter-in-place order in March, we’ve distributed 812 Cal Poly Cares grants in just a few months.

As the 2020-21 academic year begins, it is crucial that the Cal Poly Cares program has funds to support students experiencing unexpected financial emergencies and keep them on the path to graduation. With your help, we can provide one-time emergency grants of up to $2,000 to assist students struggling with housing and meals, medical emergencies, academic supplies and tuition, transportation and other basic needs.

Cal Poly Cares has made a significant life-changing impact for our students:

“I would like to genuinely and wholeheartedly thank you for this generous incentive and support during this tough time. As a first-generation and low-income student, it can be difficult to manage the costs of daily life, especially now during a pandemic. However, you have chosen to help me during this time and I could not be more grateful. I hope that whoever is reading this is safe and well. Thanks a lot!”

“I want to express how grateful I am for your donation and your dedication to student success. Often times, I find myself struggling to balance school and work. The coronavirus pandemic has affected me in many ways…at the same time, this situation has also inspired me to further pursue a health career and in the future, be one of the people on the front line serving and healing those who need it most. ‘When something is important enough, you do it even if the odds aren't in your favor.’ With your generosity, the odds are even greater and my dreams are more realized…Thank you again for your support.”

From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for your generous and caring support of our students!

Please note: Any current Cal Poly student who has been impacted by the current wildfires in California should seek support from the Office of the Dean of Students. The wildfires are having a devastating effect on people throughout California, including Cal Poly students and their families. Our Dean of Students team is here to support students who have been affected and will provide resources to those who have had their home and financial situation changed drastically as a result of the fires. 

Choose a giving level


Fight Food Insecurity

A gift of $25 can support one student's essential personal and food needs.


Basic Necessities

A gift of $50 helps provide basic necessities for two students, such as hygiene products and over the counter medicines.


Lost Wages

$100 helps offset the financial insecurity of a student's loss of income and cover costs like home WiFi service, a vital necessity for accessing remote classes.


Student Medical Expenses

A generous gift of $250 can help offset unexpected medical costs for a student impacted by COVID-19.


Housing Security

A gift of $500 would assist a student struggling with financial insecurity such as rent or other essentials.


Sponsor a Student

A generous gift of $1,000 will help support one student's basic needs throughout Spring Quarter. Thank you!

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