This will be used to seal the sea otter pelts to a surface so we can collect data on the underwater buoyancy of sea otter fur!
A gift $20 helps purchase an SD card to be used to collect live footage of the sea otters swimming at Monterey Bay Aquarium. Keep an eye out for some videos!
A gift of $65 will cover the cost of gas for one student researcher to travel to and from the Monterey Bay Aquarium!
A gift of $150 purchases two gallons of crude oil that we can use to test its effects on sea otter pelts!
A generous gift of $300 will cover multiple night's stay at a hotel allowing student researchers to take data on the sea otters over the course of a longer period of time.
Your generous gift of $500 would support a full weekend research excursion, including gas and food for the students, to the Monterey Bay Aquarium!