We are the Cal Poly Swim Club, a non-profit club that is run by its elected Board of Directors and coached by an alumni of the Cal Poly Swim Club. All members are welcome at each meeting and encouraged to be involved in team activities and fundraisers. Cal Poly Swim Club has over 100 members and is constantly growing! We offer high-quality professional coaching that can reach swimmers of all abilities. The goal of our team is to provide every member an opportunity to improve their swimming skills and achieve success at their level of ability, from beginner to international competitor.
This is our first year back from the pandemic where we get to practice and compete as a team. One of our goals is to raise money in order to send as many qualifying swimmers to nationals. Nationals is the biggest meet of the year that will be occurring in Georgia against all other college swim clubs across the nation. It is very expensive to provide transportation, housing, and meet fees for this event, so we are hoping to alleviate the cost with this fundraiser. This is the very last nationals meet for our senior swimmers who only got to go once, and is the very first nationals meet for the rest of the team! We appreciate all the help we can get!
A gift of $25 would allow us to purchase swim caps for 2 members of our team!
A $50 gift allows us to provide a full pack of gear to one competitor at the national tournament!
An $85 gift offsets one quarter's worth of dues for one of our talented teammates!
A $150 gift will fund one of our team members trip to nationals this year!
A $230 gift would fully cover the yearly membership dues for one of our swimmers. Thank you!